Dilip V. Jeste
Dilip V. Jeste is an American geriatric neuropsychiatrist, who specializes in successful aging as well as schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders in older adults. He was senior associate dean for healthy aging and senior care, distinguished professor of psychiatry and neurosciences, Estelle and Edgar Levi Memorial Chair in Aging, director of the Sam and Rose Stein Institute for Research on Aging, and co-director of the IBM-UCSD Artificial Intelligence Center for Healthy Living at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine. after serving for 36 years, he retired from UC San Diego on July 1, 2022.He is the author, with Scott LaFee, of ''Wiser: The Scientific Roots of Wisdom, Compassion, and What Makes Us Good''. In it, he describes evidence-based findings on the definition, measurement, and neurobiology of wisdom as well as its relationship with aging, and interventions to promote wisdom.
Jeste is past president of the American Psychiatric Association (APA). He was the first Asian-American, to preside over this 175-year-old organization. He was also the first psychiatrist of Indian descent to be elected to the Institute of Medicine (IOM) of the National Academy of Sciences. He gave a TEDMED talk on wisdom and aging in 2015.
Jeste has published 14 books, more than 750 articles in peer-reviewed journals, and over 160 book chapters, and he was listed in "The Best Doctors in America", and also in the Institute for Scientific Information list of the "world's most cited authors", comprising less than 0.5% percent of all publishing researchers of the previous two decades. He has received numerous awards, including those from the National Alliance on Mental Illness, International Psychogeriatric Association, National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Institute of Living, Veterans Affairs, and APA. Provided by Wikipedia