Agnieszka Graff

Her essays and features have been published in "Gazeta Wyborcza" (mass circulation liberal newspaper), "Literatura na Świecie" ("World Literature") and "Zadra" ("The Thorn", a feminist magazine).
She is a co-founder of women's organisation Porozumienie Kobiet 8 Marca (8 March Women's Coalition) with which she organises the annual Manifa Warsaw women's march. From 2007 to 2010, Graff was a member of the Precedent Cases Programme's Programme Board at the International Helsinki Federation For Human Rights.
Graff is Jewish. She was the wife of the photographer and French press correspondent Bernard Osser with whom she has a son, who was born in 2008. In February 2021, she came out, by writing on her social media that she is in a committed relationship with a woman. In the March–April issue of the only Polish LGBTIA magazine, ''Replika'', Graff and her partner, the cultural anthropologist Magdalena Staroszczyk, talked more about their relationship and queer identities. Provided by Wikipedia