Jonathan Bricker

Bricker's main contribution to science is in the novel translation of behavioral therapies into high-reach technologies that prevent cancer. He is most known for integrating Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) into AI-based chatbots, smartphone apps, websites, and telehealth interventions for preventing major causes of cancer: cigarette smoking and obesity. He and his research lab have conducted large randomized clinical trials testing these interventions, including a nationwide study of over 2500 participants funded by the National Institutes of Health which showed that the iCanQuit app was efficacious for quitting smoking. He has worked on adapting and testing these interventions for vulnerable populations, including American Indians and Alaska Natives, Blacks adults, Hispanic adults, and cancer patients. His research career began with the development and testing of a tool to measure air travel stress, followed by discoveries on the efficacy of proactive coaching to help teenagers stop smoking and on the long-term influences of parental behavior on their children's tobacco use. Provided by Wikipedia