Linda Prine
![Prine in front of The Institute For Family Health in [[Manhattan]].](
Prine has been active in Transportation Alternatives, advocating for bicycling infrastructure in New York City and in Physicians for a National Health Program, advocating for Single Payer health care reform. She currently works as co-medical director for the Abortion Coalition for Telemedicine (ACT), an organization that she co-founded to help pass the New York State Shield law which protects clinicians licensed in New York state so that they can provide telemedicine abortions to people in all 50 states and territories of the US. ACT now focuses on helping shield law providers start up and practice using the laws of their state, while addressing regulatory, legal, financial and malpractice barriers to providing abortion. She also provides telemedicine abortion with Aid Access. Prine promotes making abortion part of family health care. Provided by Wikipedia