Risshū (Buddhism)

, also ''Ritsu school'', is one of the
six schools of Nara Buddhism in Japan, noted for its use of the
Vinaya textual framework of the
Dharmaguptaka, one of the early schools of Buddhism. The Ritsu school was founded in Japan by the blind Chinese priest
Jianzhen, better known by his Japanese name ''Ganjin''. Ganjin traveled to Japan at the request of Japanese priests, and established the
Tōshōdai-ji in
Nara. During the
Kamakura period, the Ritsu sect was divided into schools at Tōshōdai-ji,
Saidai-ji, and
Sennyū-ji. However, during the
Meiji period, the Ritsu sect was incorporated within the
Shingon sect by decree of the Japanese government. Today only
Tōshōdai-ji, which resisted the government measures, retains its identity as a Ritsu temple.
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