Michel Dumontier
Michel Justin Dumontier (born 1975) is a Distinguished Professor of Data Science at
Maastricht University. His research focuses on methods to represent knowledge on the web with applications for drug discovery and personalized medicine. He was previously an Associate Professor of Medicine (Biomedical Informatics) at the
Stanford University School of Medicine and an Associate Professor of Bioinformatics at
Carleton University. He is best known for his work in biomedical ontologies, linked data and biomedical knowledge discovery. He has taught courses on biochemistry, bioinformatics, computational systems biology, and translational medicine. His research has been funded by
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council,
Canada Foundation for Innovation,
Mitacs Canada, the Ontario
Ministry of Research, Innovation and Science,
CANARIE, and the US
National Institutes of Health. Dumontier has an h-index of over 30 and has authored over 125 scientific publications in journals and conferences. He lives in
Maastricht with his wife
Tifany Irene Leung and their lionhead rabbit Storm.
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