Patrick Bolton

Bolton specializes in contract theory and its relationship to corporate finance and industrial organization, in particular the allocation of control and decision rights to contracting parties. He is studying the ways in which institutional investors and financial markets assess and respond to risks from climate change, and how public policy influences corporate behaviour and the actions of institutions.
Bolton has published a number of books, including ''Contract Theory'' (2004) with Mathias Dewatripont, ''Credit Markets for the Poor'' (2005) with Howard Rosenthal, ''The Economics of Contracts'' (2008), ''Sovereign Wealth Funds and Long-term Investing'' (2012) with Frederic Samama and Joseph E. Stiglitz and ''Coping with the Climate Crisis: Mitigation Policies and Global Coordination'' (2018), with Rabah Arezki, Karim El Aynaoui and Maurice Obstfeld. Provided by Wikipedia