Food and Drug Administration

The FDA's primary focus is enforcement of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C). However, the agency also enforces other laws, notably Section 361 of the Public Health Service Act as well as associated regulations. Much of this regulatory-enforcement work is not directly related to food or drugs but involves other factors like regulating lasers, cellular phones, and condoms. In addition, the FDA takes control of diseases in the contexts varying from household pets to human sperm donated for use in assisted reproduction.
The FDA is led by the commissioner of food and drugs, appointed by the president with the advice and consent of the Senate. The commissioner reports to the secretary of health and human services. Sara Brenner is the current acting commissioner as of January 24, 2025, following the resignation of Commissioner Robert Califf on January 20, 2025.
The FDA's headquarters is located in the White Oak area of Silver Spring, Maryland. The agency has 223 field offices and 13 laboratories located across the 50 states, the United States Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. In 2008, the FDA began to post employees to foreign countries, including China, India, Costa Rica, Chile, Belgium, and the United Kingdom.
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