Politics & government 2,795 Philosophy 1,442 Political science & theory 1,406 Psychology 989 Political economy 887 Physics 844 Public administration 554 Philosophy & theory of education 514 Public health & preventive medicine 497 Political structure & processes 452 Pharmacology 376 Political structures: democracy 327 Personnel & human resources management 279 Population & demography 252 Physiology 246 Peace studies & conflict resolution 236 Popular culture 224 Philosophy of science 211 Political ideologies 207 Political control & freedoms 206 Philosophy: aesthetics 186 Poetry 186 Philosophy: epistemology & theory of knowledge 176 Psychiatry 170 Probability & statistics 167 Postwar 20th century history, from c 1945 to c 2000 154 Political activism 153 Philosophy: metaphysics & ontology 150 Product design 148 Philosophy of religion 143 Press & journalism 142 Poetry by individual poets 137 Prehistoric archaeology 135 Philosophy of language 122 Physical geography & topography 122 Philosophy of mind 115 Pre-school & kindergarten 115 Public international law 115 Pharmaceutical industries 112 Production engineering 108 Pest control 105 Public finance 102 Political parties 94 Pollution & threats to the environment 88 Production & quality control management 86 Pathology 84 Personal & public health 84 Psychological methodology 83 Particle & high-energy physics 81 Pollution control 81 Primary & middle schools 81 Psychotherapy 81 Photography & photographs 80 Private international law & conflict of laws 79 Publishing industry & book trade 79 Poverty & unemployment 73 Psychoanalytical theory (Freudian psychology) 72 Phonetics, phonology 71 Proteins 70 Physical chemistry 69 Psycholinguistics 62 Phenomenology & Existentialism 61 Paediatric medicine 60 Power generation & distribution 60 Painting & paintings 59 Pharmaceutical technology 59 Psychological theory & schools of thought 58 Police & security services 57 Physiological & neuro-psychology, biopsychology 53 Philosophy: logic 51 Plant physiology 50 Popular medicine & health 49 Performance art 48 Plays, playscripts 48 Pre-clinical medicine: basic sciences 48 Private / Civil law: general works 46 Project management 46 Public buildings: civic, commercial, industrial, etc 45 Polymer chemistry 44 Plant ecology 43 Purchasing & supply management 43 Psychological testing & measurement 39 Psychology: emotions 39 Programming & scripting languages: general 37 Political leaders & leadership 35 Petroleum technology 32 Penology & punishment 31 Plant reproduction & propagation 31 Palaeontology 29 Pharmacy / dispensing 29 Political geography 29 Public health & safety law 29 Palaeography (history of writing) 28 Political structures: totalitarianism & dictatorship 27 Political corruption 26 Privacy & data protection 26 Prehistory 23 Prose: non-fiction 22 Public relations 22 Papua New Guinea 21