KINERJA KEPALA DESA DALAM MENDUKUNG PROGRAM WAJARDIKDAS 9 TAHUN: StudiDeskriptifterhadapPemerintahDesaCibogohilirKecamatanPleredKabupatenPurwakarta
Penelitianinidilatarbelakangihasilpenelitianbahwapandanganmasyarakatterhadapkinerjakepaladesa di DesaCibogohilirKecamatanPleredKabupatenPurwakartadalammendukung program Wajardikdassangatlahkurang. Data demografidesaCibogohilirtahun 2014didapatkanhasilbahwaanakusia (7 - 15) berjumlah 1.236 masihditem...
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Summary: | Penelitianinidilatarbelakangihasilpenelitianbahwapandanganmasyarakatterhadapkinerjakepaladesa di DesaCibogohilirKecamatanPleredKabupatenPurwakartadalammendukung program Wajardikdassangatlahkurang. Data demografidesaCibogohilirtahun 2014didapatkanhasilbahwaanakusia (7 - 15) berjumlah 1.236 masihditemukananak yang memangtidaktamat SD dantidaktamat SMP. Anak yang tidaktamat SD berjumlah 146 orang dananak yang tidaktamat SMP sebanyak 191 orang. Hal iniberartimasih 30% lebihanak yang tidakmelanjutkanpendidikanpadajenjang SD dan SMP. Penelitianinibertujuanuntukmengetahuipandanganmasyarakatdesadanmengidentifikasi program-program kepaladesadalammendukungwajardikdas 9 tahunsertahambatandansolusidalammenjalankan program wajardikdas 9 tahun. Penelitianinimenggunakanpendekatankualitatifdenganmetodedeskriptif. Subjekpenelitianiniadalahkepaladesa, kepalasekolah, sertamasyarakatDesaCibogohilir. Pengumpulan data melaluiwawancara, observasi, studidokumentasi, dancatatanlapangan. Analisis data denganpenyeleksianataupengelompokan data, penyajian data, danverifikasi data. Adapunhasilpenelitian yang diperoleh,yaitu: 1) Pandanganmasyarakatterhadapkinerjakepaladesadalammendukung program wajardikdas 9 tahunterlihatsangatkurangdikarenakandariaparaturdesakurangmemperhatikankondisisituasi yang terjadi di lapangan, kurangberkoordinasidenganmatangbersama guru, kepalasekolah, danmasyarakat, tidakmembuatbeberapa program pendukunguntuk program wajardikdas 9 tahun, 2) Program kepaladesauntukmendukungwajardikdas 9 tahunyaitumelakukankerjasamadenganSekolahDasar (SD) di DesaCibogohilir, melakukankoordinasidenganaparaturdesakhususnya RT/RW DesaCibogohilir, mengadakan program peminjamanuangdan kerjasamadengandinassosialdenganmengadakansekolahterbuka, 3) Hambatan yang dihadapikepaladesadalammensukseskan program wajardikdas 9 tahunyakni: kurangnyarespondarimasyarakat, tidakefektifnyadalamkoordinasi, tidakadanyaanggarankhususdaripemerintah, adanyapengaruhbesardarilingkungan,sedikitnyasumberdayamanusia, dankurangnyapengawasandari orang tuaanak, 4) Upaya yang dilakukanadalah mengadakanpertemuanbersamamasyarakat,mengajak guru dankepalasekolahuntukkerjasama, berkoordinasidengan RT/RW untukmendata orang tuaanak yang kurangmampu,mengadakanpeminjamanuanguntuk orang tuaanak yang tidakmampu yang bekerjasamadengandinassosial. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pandangan masyarakat mengenai kinerja kepala Desa Cibogohilir dalam mendukung program wajardikdas 9 tahun belum optimal. This research was motivated by pre-study results about society's view of the performance of the head of the village in the village Cibogohilir District of Purwakarta Plered Wajardikdas in support of the program lacked. Based on demographic data Cibogohilir village in 2014 that 1.236 children aged (7-15) who did not complete elementary school (SD) and never graduated from junior high school (SMP). There are 146 childern who didn't finish elementary school and 191 childern who did not graduate from junior high. This fact means that there are more than 30% children who do not continue their education at the elementary and junior high. The purpose of this study is to determine the views of communities and to identify the 9 year wajardikdas programs wshich supported by village head as well as the problem and solutions in implementing the program9 years Wajardikdas. This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive method. The subject of this research are the head of the village and the villagers principal Cibogohilir.The Data was collected through interviews, observation, documentation studies, and field notes. Analysis data by selecting or grouping of data, presentation of data, and data verification. The research results obtained, namely: 1) The public view of the village head's performance in supporting the program 9 years Wajardikdas looks very less because the village officials pay less attention to the condition of the situation in the field, lacked of coordination with teachers, principals, and community, so the can't make somesuporting programs to support programs 9 Years Wajardikdas. 2) Program of the village head to support 9 Years Wajardikdas is cooperating with the Elementary School (SD) in the village of Cibogohilir,coordinating with village officials, especially the RT / RW Cibogohilir Village, held lending moneyprogrsm and cooperation programs with social services by holding an open school. 3) The Problem faced by the village head in the succession of the program 9 years Wajardikdas is the minimumresponse from the public, ineffective coordination, there is no budget from the government, the influence of the environment, minimum human resources, and lack of supervision of the childern parents. 4) The Efforts is to meeting with community, teachers and principals invite for cooperation, in coordinating with RT / RW to record the parents of children who are less able, held lending money to parents of children who are not capable of cooperating with social services. It can be concluded that the views of the public on the performance of village heads in support of the program Cibogohilir9 years Wajardikdas is not optimal. The recommendation is9 year Wajardikdas program not only a program run by the government only but it need a cooperation between the government and the community so that the program can run well and succeed the educational goals of the Indonesian nation. |
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