Kemiskinandanpengangguranmenjadimasalah yang pentingsaatini di Indonesia. PNPM MandiriPedesaanadalah program untukmempercepatpenanggulangankemiskinansecaraterpadudanberkelanjutan. SimpanPinjamPerempuan (SPP) adalahsalahsatukegiatandari PNPM MandiriPedesaan. Penelitianinidilatarbelakangiolehpermasala...

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Main Author: Maharani, Ayu (Author)
Format: Book
Published: 2014-04-08.
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Summary:Kemiskinandanpengangguranmenjadimasalah yang pentingsaatini di Indonesia. PNPM MandiriPedesaanadalah program untukmempercepatpenanggulangankemiskinansecaraterpadudanberkelanjutan. SimpanPinjamPerempuan (SPP) adalahsalahsatukegiatandari PNPM MandiriPedesaan. PenelitianinidilatarbelakangiolehpermasalahanperanperempuandalammengatasikemiskinanmelaluikegiatanSPP di Kec. ManonjayaKab. Tasikmalaya. UntukmengetahuibagaimanaperanperempuandalammengatasikemiskinanmelaluikegiatanSPP di Kec. ManonjayaKab. Tasikmalaya, penelitimerumuskan 5 rumusanmasalahsebagaiberikut: 1. Bagaimanabentuk-bentukperanperempuandalamkegiatanSPP di Kec. ManonjayaKab. Tasikmalaya? 2. Faktorapasaja yang mendorongperempuanKec. ManonjayaKab. TasikmalayaberperandalamkegiatanSPP? 3. Apasaja yang telahdihasilkanolehperempuan-perempuanKec. ManonjayaKab. TasikmalayadarikegiatanSPP? 4. Apasajakendala yang menghambatperanperempuandalamkegiatan SPP di Kec. ManonjayaKab. Tasikmalaya? 5. BagaimanaperanperempuanKec. ManonjayaKab. Tasikmalayadalammenghadapikendala-kelndalatersebut? Upayapemberdayaanmasyarakatdesamenjadimasyarakat yang mandiriharusdimulaidenganseluruhmasyarakat yang menjadisasaran. Pendekatan yang digunakanuntukmengungkappermasalahantersebut di masyarakatKec. ManonjayaKab. Tasikmalayaadalahpendekatankualitatif, denganmetodedeskriptif. Pengumpulan data dalambentukobservasi, wawancaradanstudidokumentasi.Hasildaripenelitianmengungkapkanbahwa: 1. Bentukperanperempuandalamkegiatan SPPyaitu, sebagaikader, pelaksana program danpemberidukungankeberlangsungan program. 2. PeranperempuandalamkegiatanSPP disebabkanolehadanyafaktorpendorong internal daneksternal. 3. Kegiatan SPP telahmemberikanhasil yang baikbagianggotakelompok program ini, yaitumenjadikanperempuanbisamengembangkanusaha-usahakecilnya, sehinggabisamembantumeningkatkankesejahteraankeluarga. 4. Kendala-kendala yang menghambatperanperempuandisebabkanolehadanyafaktorpendidikan/pengetahuanakan detail program dankurangnyadukungandarikeluarga. 5. Upayakaumperempuanmenyelesaikankendala-kendala yang adadalamSPPdirasasudahmaksimal. Hal initerlihatbagaimanacaramengadakansosialisasi, pelatihanataupembinaankepadamasyarakatdancaramengadakanpendekatan-pendekatandengananggotakelompok yang bermasalah. Peranperempuandalamkegiatan SPP diharapkanmampumembantumeningkatkankesejahteraankeluarga, khususnyakesejahteraanmerekasendirisebagaiperempuan. Poverty and unemployment become an important issue today in Indonesia. Rural PNPM Mandiri is a program to accelerate poverty reduction in an integrated and sustainable. Women's Savings and Loans (SPP) is one of the activities of the Rural PNPM Mandiri. This research was motivated by the problem of women's role in addressing poverty through SPP activities in the Kec. ManonjayaKab. Tasikmalaya. To find out how the role of women in addressing poverty through SPP activities in the Kec. ManonjayaKab. Tasikmalaya, we propose 5 formulation of the problem as follows: 1. How the forms of women's role in the SPP activities in the Kec. ManonjayaKab. Tasikmalaya? 2. Which factors encourage women Kec.ManonjayaKab. Tasikmalaya role in the activities of the SPP? 3. Whatever has been produced by the women of the Kec.ManonjayaKab. Tasikmalaya of SPP activity? 4. What are the barriers to women's role in the SPP activities in the Kec.ManonjayaKab. Tasikmalaya? 5. How the role of women Kec. ManonjayaKab. Tasikmalayain the face of these obstacles? Efforts to empower rural communities become self-reliant community must begin with the entire targeted community. The approach used to uncover the problems in the community Kec. ManonjayaKab. Tasikmalaya is a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Collecting data in the form of observations, interviews and documentation studies. The results of the study reveal that: 1. Shape the role of women in the activities of the SPP that is, as a cadre, program implementers and donor support program sustainability. 2. Role of women in the SPP activity caused by the presence of internal and external factors driving. 3. Activity SPP has provided good results for the members of the program group, which makes women can develop small businesses, so they can help improve the welfare of the family. 4. The constraints that hinder the role of women is caused by the factors of education / knowledge of the details of the program and the lack of support from family. 5. Efforts of women completing the constraints that exist in the SPP thats the maximum. This was shown how to make socialization, training or coaching to the community and how to conduct approaches with group members is problematic. The role of women in the activities of the SPP is expected to help improve the well-being of families, especially their own well-being as a woman. Keyword: women, participation, empowerment, independence.
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