Penelitianinidilatarbelakangiolehkondisi di KelurahanPasirImpun yang mengalamikekurangan air bersih.Untukmengatasipermasalahtersebutmakaperludirencanakansuatusistempenyediaansaranadanprasarana air bersih.Untukmenunjanghaltersebutdilakukankajianterhadapkebutuhandanupayapemenuhan air bersih di Kelurah...
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Summary: | Penelitianinidilatarbelakangiolehkondisi di KelurahanPasirImpun yang mengalamikekurangan air bersih.Untukmengatasipermasalahtersebutmakaperludirencanakansuatusistempenyediaansaranadanprasarana air bersih.Untukmenunjanghaltersebutdilakukankajianterhadapkebutuhandanupayapemenuhan air bersih di Kelurahantersebut.Adapunrumusanmasalah yang dimunculkandiantaranya : (1) Berapabesarketersediaanairtanah di Kelurahantersebut, (2) Berapabesarkebutuhan air bersihbagipenduduk di Kelurahantersebut, (3) Bagaimanapemenuhan air bersihbaiksecarakualitasmaupunkuantitas, dan (4) Berapabesarproporsipemenuhan air bersih di Kelurahantersebut.Metodepenelitian yang digunakanadalahmetode survey daneksploratif. Metodepengambilansampeldengancarastratified random sampling. Penentuansampelmenurut Dixon danB.LeachdalamTika, hasilnyasebanyak 74 responden.Teknikpengumpulan data dengancaraobservasilapangan, wawancara. Studi literature, dokumentasi, interpetasipetadanujilaboratorium.Untukmemperolehketersediaanairtanahdilakukan pumping test danmetodepersamaan Darcy. KebutuhanairtanahmenggunakanstandarberdasarkanDitjenCiptaKarya DPU, 1982.Hasilpenelitianmenunjukkanketersediaanairtanah yang bersumberdariairtanahdangkalsebesar 1,3 liter/detik, sedangkanketersediaanairtanahdalamsebesar 2,21 liter/detik. Kebutuhan air bersih rata-rata per orang 94 liter/orang/hari, sedangkanuntukkebutuhan air bersihmasayarakatKelurahanPasirImpunsekitar 871.850 liter/orang/hari. Di KelurahanPasirImpun yang wilayahnyamengalamikekurangan air bersihterletak di RW 04 dan 05, untukmemenuhikekurangantersebutmakadilakukanpemboransumurdalamdarihasilanalisispumping test debit air yang dihasilkantelahmemenuhikebutuhan air di wilayahtersebut. Secarahasilujilaboratoriumkualitassumber air yang dimanfaatkanolehmasyarakat di KelurahanPasirImpuntelahmemenuhisyaratuntukdigunakansebagai air bersih.Proporsipemenuhan air bersih di KelurahanPasirImpunsetelahadanyaupayapemenuhanakan air bersih, wilayahtersebuttelahterpenuhidenganpembagiansebagianberikut: Sumurdangkal (54,05 %), Mata air (17,57%) danSumurbordalam (28,38%). Berdasarkanhasilkajianbahwakebutuhandanupayapemenuhan air bersihtelahdilakukandanhasilnyasudahterpenuhiakankebutuhan air bersih. Makadisarankanpembangunan di KelurahanPasirImpun,harusdisesuaikandenganperuntukkannya agar daerahtersebuttetapterjagasebagaidaerahresapan. This research was motivated by the condition in Village of PasirImpun are experiencing a shortage of clean water.To overcome these problems it is necessary to devise a system providing clean water infrastructure. To support this done studies on the needs and efforts to comply with clean water in the Village. The formulation of the issues raised include: (1) How large is the availability of groundwater in the village, (2) How large is the need for clean water for the residents in the village, (3) How does the fulfillment of clean water both in quality and quantity, and (4) How large a proportion of the fulfillment of clean water in the urban village.The method used is the method of survey and exploratory. The sampling method by means of stratified random sampling. Determination of the sample according to Dixon and B.Leach in Tika, the result is a total of 74 respondents. Techniques of data collection by field observations, interviews. Literature study, documentation, and testing laboratories The interpretation map. To obtain the availability of groundwater pumping test conducted and Darcy equation method. Groundwater needs to use a standard based on the DitjenCiptaKarya DPU, 1982.The results showed availability of groundwater sourced from shallow groundwater at 1.3 liters / sec, while the availability of groundwater in by 2.21 liters / sec. Supplies of clean water per person on average 94 liters / person / day, while the clean water needs of the community for the Village of PasirImpun about 871 850 liters / person / day. In the Village of PasirImpun region experiencing a shortage of clean water in RW 04 and 05, To meet the shortage of well drilling is carried out in the analysis results of the pumping test produced water discharge has met the water needs in the region. In laboratory tests quality of the source water used by people in Village of PasirImpun has been qualified for use as clean water. The proportion of water fulfillment of the Pasir Village Impun after efforts to comply with clean water, The region has been met with partial division of the following: shallow wells (54.05%), spring water (17.57%) and drill the wells (28.38%). Based results of the study that needs and efforts to comply with clean water have been conducted and results have met the need for clean water. It is therefore advisedin the Village ofPasirImpundevelopment, must be tailored tothe areait was designedin order tostay awakeascatchment areas. |
Item Description: | http://repository.upi.edu/15236/2/S_GEO_1001962_Title.pdf http://repository.upi.edu/15236/2/S_GEO_1001962_Abstract.pdf http://repository.upi.edu/15236/3/S_GEO_1001962_Table_of_content.pdf http://repository.upi.edu/15236/5/S_GEO_1001962_Chapter1.pdf http://repository.upi.edu/15236/6/S_GEO_1001962_Chapter2.pdf http://repository.upi.edu/15236/7/S_GEO_1001962_Chapter3.pdf http://repository.upi.edu/15236/7/S_GEO_1001962_Chapter4.pdf http://repository.upi.edu/15236/7/S_GEO_1001962_Chapter5.pdf http://repository.upi.edu/15236/4/S_GEO_1001962_Bibliography.pdf http://repository.upi.edu/15236/1/S_GEO_1001962_Appendix1.pdf http://repository.upi.edu/15236/2/S_GEO_1001962_Appendix2.pdf |