PENGARUH KINERJACO-BRANDING TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN : Surveipada Mini Market PenjualEs Krim Wall's Selection Oreo diKecamatan Cikajang-Garut)
Persainganbisnis yang semakinmeningkatpadasaatinimerupakantantanganbisnisbagisetiapperusahaan.Suatuperusahaanmengharapkan agar hasilpenjualanprodukmerekameningkat, perusahaan yang tidakbisamemenuhiselerakonsumenpraktisakanmengalamipenurunan volume penjualan. Olehkarenaitu, agar dapatbersaingdipasara...
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Summary: | Persainganbisnis yang semakinmeningkatpadasaatinimerupakantantanganbisnisbagisetiapperusahaan.Suatuperusahaanmengharapkan agar hasilpenjualanprodukmerekameningkat, perusahaan yang tidakbisamemenuhiselerakonsumenpraktisakanmengalamipenurunan volume penjualan. Olehkarenaitu, agar dapatbersaingdipasaranperusahaandituntutuntukberfikirkreatifdanmelakukanstrategibaruuntukmengalahkanparapesaing.StrategiCo-Branding merupakanupaya yang dilakukanoleh PT. Unilever Tbk yang diharapkandapatmenciptakandanmeningkatkankeputusanpembelianpadaprodukeskrimWall's Selection Oreo. Penelitianinibertujuanuntukmemperolehtemuanmengenai 1) gambarankinerjaCo-BrandingpadaprodukeskrimWall's Selection Oreo 2) gambarankeputusanpembeliankonsumenterhadapeskrimWall's Selection Oreo 3) BagaimanapengaruhkinerjaCo-BrandingterhadapkeputusanpembelianeskrimWall's Selection Oreo. Objekpenelitianiniadalah Mini Market penjualeskrimWall's Selection Oreo di KecamatanCikajangKabupatenGarut.VariabelbebaspadapenelitianiniyaituCo-Brandingdanvariabelterikatpadapenelitianiniadalahkeputusanpembelian.Jenispenelitian yang digunakanadalahdeskriftifdanverifikatif.Metode yang digunakanadalahexplanatory surveydengantekniksimple random samplingterhadap sample sebanyak 70 responden.Teknikanalisis data yang digunakanadalahregresi linier sederhanadenganalatbantusoftwarekomputer SPSS 21.0 for windows. Hasil yang diperolehdaripenelitianinimenyatakanbahwakinerjaCo-Brandingmempunyaipengaruhterhadapkeputusanpembeliansebesar 54,2% . Dari hasilpenelitianterhadappengujianhipotesisdapatdiketahuibahwaCo-Brandingmemilikipengaruh yang positifterhadapkeputusanpembelian. Penulismerekomendasikan agar perusahaanlebih selektifdalammemilihstrategiCo-BrandingsebagaisalahsatustrategiuntukmeningkatkankeputusanpembelianeskrimWall's Selection Oreo. In present, the tight competition has becomes the challenge for business. The management expecting that their product sales increase, meanwhile the unable one will experiences reduction in sales volume. Therefore, in order to capable for competition, the business must be creative in idea and take a new strategic to overcome their competitor. The Co-Branding strategy is an effort of PT. Unilever Tbk in creates and increases of purchasing decision for ice cream product of Wall's Selection Oreo. The study intends to obtain: 1) Description Performance of Co-Branding of ice cream product of Wall's Selection Oreo; 2) Description of customer purchasing decision on product; and 3) How the Co-Branding performance influences to the purchasing decision of ice cream. The research object is Minimarket sold the ice cream of Wall's Selection Oreo in Cikajang District, Regency of Garut. An independent variable of research is Co-Baranding and the dependent one is customer decision. It is a descriptive and verification study. A method used in research is explanatory survey with simply random sampling technique with 70 respondents. Data analysis technique used is simply linear regression supported by software of SPSS 21.0 for windows. By the result it is concluded that Co-Branding had influence to the purchasing decision of 54.2%. The result of hypothetical testing found that Co-Branding had positive influences to the purchasing decision. The observer has recommend that the business must be selective in prefer the Co-Branding strategy to improve of purchasing decision on Wall's Selection Oreo Ice Cream product. |
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