Permasalahan yang ditelitidalampenelitianiniadalahtentangPengaruhGaya KepemimpinanTransformasionalKepalaSekolahTerhadapDisiplinKerja Guru di SMK UnggulanTerpadu PGII Bandung.Penelitianinidilakukan di SMK UnggulanTerpadu PGII Bandung denganjumlahpopulasidansampel46 orang, sampeldaripenelitianinimelip...

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Main Author: Sabarini, Chintia Rizki (Author)
Format: Book
Published: 2015-10-28.
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Summary:Permasalahan yang ditelitidalampenelitianiniadalahtentangPengaruhGaya KepemimpinanTransformasionalKepalaSekolahTerhadapDisiplinKerja Guru di SMK UnggulanTerpadu PGII Bandung.Penelitianinidilakukan di SMK UnggulanTerpadu PGII Bandung denganjumlahpopulasidansampel46 orang, sampeldaripenelitianinimeliputiseluruh guru yang adadisekolahtersebut, sedangkanmetode yang digunakanadalahmetodedeskriptif yang ditunjangolehstudikepustakaan.Teknikpengolahan data yang digunakanyaitu, pertama, analisiskorelasidigunakanuintukmengujihubungandandayaketerkaitananataravariabel Gaya KepemimpinanTransformasionalKepalaSekolahdanDisiplinKerja Guru di SMK UnggulanTerpadu PGII Bandung. Keduamenggunakananalisisregresiuntukmengujikelinierandankeberartiansertaarahramalanvariabeldisiplinkerja guru di SMK UnggulanTerpadu PGII Bandung berdasarkanvariabelgayakepemimpinantransformasionalkepalasekolah.Variabel yang menjadikajianadalahgayakepemimpinantransformasionalkepalasekolahsebagaivariabelbebasdandisiplinkerja guru sebagaivariabelterikat.Berdasarkanpengujiannormalitasterhadapdistribusi data, diketahuibahwakeduavariabeltersebutberdistribusi normal.Hasilpenelitianmenggambarkanjumlahskor rata-rata variabelgayakepemimpinantransformasionalkepalasekolahsebesar 2.50 halinimenunjukkankategorisukupmemadaisedangkanjumlahskor rata-rata variabeldisiplinkerja guru sebesar 3.81 haltersebutmenunjukkankategoribaik. Derajathubunganvariabel X danvariabel Y dapatdilihathasilkoefisienkorelasisebesar 0.44 halinimenyatakanhubunganantaravariabel X danvariabel Y termasukdalamhubungansedang. Adapunkoefisiendeterminasivariabel X danvariabel Y sebesar 19.53%.hasilanalisisregresimemberigambaranbahwakeduavariabelmempunyaihubunganberpola linier, berarahprositifdansignifikansertaterdapatketergantunganvariabel Y terhadapvariabel X yang ditunjukkanolehpersamaanregresiY = 25.95 + 0.44 dapatdiartikanbahwasetiapperubahansatu unit padavariabel X akanmemebawaperubahanpadavariabel Y sebesar 0.44. Abstract Problem under study is this research is about lifestyle leadership transformasional principal against the discipline work of teacher at SMK UnggulanTerpadu PGII Bandung. This research was done at SMK UnggulanTerpadu PGII Bandung with the amount of population and a sample of 46 people. Sample of this research includes the entire teacher's at school, while the method used is the method of descriptive is supported by studying.Technique of processing data that was used in First, analysis the correlation was used to test relationship and power interest between the variable force leadership transformasional principal and discipline work f teacher at SMK UnggulanTerpadu PGII. Second, using analysis of regression use full as well as the direction variables discipline work of teacher at SMK UnggulanTerpadu PGII be based on the variable leadership transformasional. Variable become knowledge is the stlye of leaderhip of the head of school at the variable free and discipline teacher as varable bound. Based on the test's of normality of distribution of data, it's is known that two variable such distribution normal. From the result of processing data and interpretation data concerring the tendency of general, answer of responden for stlye leadership transformasional the head of school to be in the category good enough.The result of the research describe the number of score average variable force leadership transformasional principal of 2.50 it represents a category quite inadequate while the number of score average variable work of teacher is 3.18, that indicates the category of good. Degrees of relationship variable X and variable Y can be seen the results koefesien correlation of 0.44 it is stated Degrees of relationship variable X and variable Y included in the relasionship. As for koefesiendeterminasi variable X and variable . As for koefesiendeterminasi variable X and variable Y is 19.53%. result analysis of the regression gives the idea that both variable have a relationshop model of linier. purpose positive and significant as well as theres the depends variable Y against variable X that aimed to equation regression Y = 25.95 + 0.44. it can be regarded that every change of one unit on variable X will change the variable Y as large as 0.44%. Keywords : lifestyle transformasional principal, discipline work
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