Saatinipemerintah, satuanpendidikanbahkanmasyarakatmengupayakanpeningkatankualitaspendidikansecaraterus-menerus yang dilakukanuntukmembangunSumberDayaManusia (SDM) yang lebihberdayagunabaiksecarakognitif, afektif, psikomotorikmaupunsecara moral. Peningkatankualitas SDM melaluipendidikanadalahupaya y...

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Main Author: Jonathan Purba, - (Author)
Format: Book
Published: 2018-12-26.
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Summary:Saatinipemerintah, satuanpendidikanbahkanmasyarakatmengupayakanpeningkatankualitaspendidikansecaraterus-menerus yang dilakukanuntukmembangunSumberDayaManusia (SDM) yang lebihberdayagunabaiksecarakognitif, afektif, psikomotorikmaupunsecara moral. Peningkatankualitas SDM melaluipendidikanadalahupaya yang sangattepatdandiharapkanterjaditransformasi yang dapatmenumbuhkembangkankarakterpositif, sertamengubahwatakdari yang tidakbaikmenjadibaik. Pendidikandipandangmampuberperanmulaidarikognitifhingga moral dikarenakanpendidikanmerupakanusahaatau proses yang ditujukanuntukmembinakualitassumberdayamanusiaseutuhnya. PenelitianinimembahasmengenaipengaruhPenguatanPendidikanKarakter (PPK) terhadapprestasbelajarmatapelajarandasarkejuruan di SMK Negeri 6 Bandung. Tujuanpenelitianiniuntukmengetahuipenguatanpendidikankarakter, prestasibelajarmatapelajarandasarkejuruan, danmengetahuipengaruhdarihasil PPK terhadapprestasibelajarmatapelajarandasarkejuruan. Dalampenelitianinipenulismenggunakanpendekatankuantitatifdanmenggunakanmetodeanalitikkorelasi. Populasidalampenelitianiniadalahseluruhsiswakelas XI TAV SMK Negeri 6 Bandung dansampel yang digunakanyaitukelas XI TAV 1 - XI TAV 5. Dalampenelitianinipengumpulan data menggunakanangketataukuesionerdan test yang berfungsiuntukmengetahuipendidikankarakterdanprestasibelajarsiswa. Hasilpenelitianinidiantaranya (1) Hasilujikorelasidandeterminasisebesar 0.114 dan 1.3% yang menunjukanhubungansangatlemah. (2) Uji-t denganstatistik Independent-Samples T-Test. Yang dimanakriteriapenerimaanhipotesisiniadalah Ha diterimajikathitung>ttabeldengantarafsiginifikansi 5% (α = 0,05) danderajatkebebasan (dk) = n - 2 = 60 - 2 = 58, makadidapatttabel = 1.976. Dari hasilperhitunganmenggunakan SPSS 20.0 diperolehhargathitung = 1.373. Karenathitunglebihkecildarittabel, dimanathitung (1.373) <ttabel (1.976), maka Ho diterimadan Ha ditolak. (3) Besarnyakontribusi yang disumbangkanolehvariabelPendidikanKarakterterhadapPrestasiBelajarsebesar 1,3% dan 98,7% lainnyaditentukanolehvariabel lain. Sehinggadapatdisimpulkanbahwaterdapatpengaruh yang tidaksignifikanantaraPenguatanPendidikanKarakter (PPK) terhadapprestasbelajarmatapelajarandasarkejuruan di SMK Negeri 6 Bandung;--- At present the government, education units and even the community are striving to improve the quality of education continuously carried out to build human resources (HR) that are more efficient both cognitively, affective, psychomotor and morally. Improving the quality of human resources through education is a very appropriate effort and it is hoped that a transformation can occur that can develop positive character, and change the character of the bad to be good. Education is seen as able to play a role ranging from cognitive to moral because education is a business or process that is intended to foster the quality of human resources as a whole. This study discusses the effect of Character Education Strengthening (PPK) on the achievement of learning basic vocational subjects at SMK Negeri 6 Bandung. The purpose of this study was to determine the strengthening of character education, learning achievement of basic vocational subjects, and to know the effect of PPK results on learning achievement in basic vocational subjects. In this study the authors used a quantitative approach and used correlation analytic methods. The population in this study were all students of class XI TAV SMK Negeri 6 Bandung and the sample used was class XI TAV 1 - XI TAV 5. In this study data collection used questionnaires or questionnaires and tests that function to determine character education and student achievement. The results of this study include (1) the correlation and determination test results are 0.114 and 1.3% which shows a very weak relationship. (2) T-test with Independent-Samples T-Test statistics. Which is where the acceptance criteria of this hypothesis are Ha accepted if t count> t table with a significance level of 5% (α = 0.05) and degrees of freedom (dk) = n - 2 = 60 - 2 = 58, then obtained t table = 1.976. From the calculation results using SPSS 20.0, the price of thitung = 1,373 is obtained. Because thitung is smaller than t table, where thitung (1,373) <ttable (1,976), then Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. (3) The amount of contribution contributed by the Character Education variable on Learning Achievement is 1.3% and the other 98.7% is determined by other variables. So it can be concluded that there is no significant effect between Character Education Strengthening (PPK) on the achievement of learning basic vocational subjects at SMK Negeri 6 Bandung.
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