PERSEPSI ORANG TUA TENTANG PENDIDIKAN ANAK USIA DINI (PenelitianDeskriptifPada Orang TuaMurid TK Chaerunnisa KomplekPuteracoDesaJagabayaKecamatanCimaungKabupaten Bandung)
ABSTRAK Pendidikananakusiadinimerupakansuatuupayapembinaanterhadapanak 0-6 tahun yang dilakukanmelaluipemberianrangsanganpendidikanuntukmembantupertumbuhandanperkembangananak. Bermainmerupakanprinsiputamadalamkegiatanpembelajaran.Akantetapifenomena di lapanganmenunjukkanbahwa orang tuacenderungmemil...
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Summary: | ABSTRAK Pendidikananakusiadinimerupakansuatuupayapembinaanterhadapanak 0-6 tahun yang dilakukanmelaluipemberianrangsanganpendidikanuntukmembantupertumbuhandanperkembangananak. Bermainmerupakanprinsiputamadalamkegiatanpembelajaran.Akantetapifenomena di lapanganmenunjukkanbahwa orang tuacenderungmemilikipersepsibahwapendidikananakusiadinilebihmenekanpadakemampuanmembaca, menulisdanberhitungtanpamemperhatikanbagaimanakarakteristikanakdanpembelajaran yang seharusnya.Salahsatufaktorpenyebabnyaadalah orang tuamasihbelummemahamihakikatpendidikananakusiadini. Permasalahanpenelitianiniadalah 1) Bagaimanapersepsi orang tuamengenaihakekatpendidikananakusiadini? 2) Bagaimanapersepsi orang tuamengenaipembelajaranpadaanakusiadini? 3) Bagaimanapersepsi orang tuamengenaiperanserta orang tuadalam program-proram PAUD. Tujuandaripenelitianiniyaituuntukmengetahuisejauhmanapersepsi orang tuatentangpendidikananakusiadini. Penelitianinimerupakanpenelitiandeskriptif yang menggunakanmetodesurvaidenganpendekatankuantitatif.Alat yang digunakandalampenelitianiniadalahangket.Hasilpenelitianterhadap 30 responden yang memilikilatarbelakangpendidikan yang berbeda-beda (SMP,SMA danPerguruanTinggi) mengenaihakekatpendidikananakusiadinihampirseluruhnyamengetahuibahwapendidikanitupentingdilakukansejakusiadini. Akan tetapihasilpenelitianmengenaipembelajaranmasihterdapatperbedaan.Halinidikarenakanlatarbelakangpendidikan orang tua yang berbeda.Adapunhasilpenelitianmengenaiperanserta orang tuadalam program PAUD hampirseluruhnyamengetahuibahwaperansertadankerjasamaantara orang tuadansekolahdapatmembantudalampenyelenggaraan PAUD agar berjalanlancar.Rekomendasidaripenelitianiniuntukpihaksekolah agar selalumenjalinkomunikasi yang baikdengan orang tuadanmemilikikesamaandalampenyelenggaraanPAUD.Bagi guru diharapkanlebihmenambahwawasanmengenaipenyelengaraan PAUD danmengembangkan program sesuaidenganperkembangandankebutuhananak. Sedangkanbagi orang tuasupayadapatlebihterbukauntukmenemukaninformasitentangpendidikananakusiadinisertamenjalinkerjasama yang baikdengansekolah. ABSTRACT Early childhood education is an attempt to children 0-6 years of coaching is done through the provision of educational stimulation to assist the growth and development of children. Play is the main principle in the activities pembelajaran.Akan but phenomena in the field indicate that older people tend to have the perception that early childhood education more pressure on the ability to read, write and count regardless of how the characteristics of children and learning seharusnya.Salah one contributing factor is the parents still do not understand the nature of early childhood education.The problems of this research are: 1) How do parents' perceptions about the nature of early childhood education? 2) How do parents' perceptions about learning in early childhood? 3) How do parents' perceptions about the role of parents in early childhood programs proram. The purpose of this study is to determine the extent to which parents' perceptions about early childhood education. This research is a descriptive study using survey methods kuantitatif.Alat approach used in this study is angket.Hasil study of 30 respondents who have an educational background different (junior high, high school and university) regarding the nature of early childhood education almost all know that education is important at an early age. However, the results of research on learning is still there is because perbedaan.Hal educational background of parents who berbeda.Adapun results of research on the role of parents in early childhood programs are almost entirely aware that the participation and cooperation between parents and the school to help in the organization of early childhood education to run lancar.Rekomendasi of this study to the school to always establish good communication with parents and have similarities in organizing PAUD.Bagi teachers are expected to further increase the knowledge about the organization of early childhood education and develop programs in accordance with the development and needs of children. As for the parents in order to be more open to finding information on early childhood education as well as to establish good cooperation with the school. |
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