Nyeri persalinan merupakan proses normal dialami ibu bersalin yang disebabkan oleh proses dilatasi servik, hipoksia otot uterus saat kontraksi, iskemia uteri dan peregangan segmen bawah rahim. Metode non-farmakologis lebih direkomendasikan untuk menurunkan nyeri persalinan, karena dianggap aman dan...

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Main Author: Virgiani Yulistiana, - (Author)
Format: Book
Published: 2020-06-16.
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Summary:Nyeri persalinan merupakan proses normal dialami ibu bersalin yang disebabkan oleh proses dilatasi servik, hipoksia otot uterus saat kontraksi, iskemia uteri dan peregangan segmen bawah rahim. Metode non-farmakologis lebih direkomendasikan untuk menurunkan nyeri persalinan, karena dianggap aman dan tidak memiliki efek samping. Massage teknik counterpressure salah satu metode non-farmakologis untuk menurunkan nyeri persalinan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi efektifitas teknik counterpressure pada ibu intranatal kala I untuk menurunkan nyeri persalinan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kajian literature review. Pencarian menggunakan data base: DOAJ, Sciendirect, PUBMED, Garuda dan Google Scholar, dengan kata kunci massase AND counterpressure, massase counterpressure menurunkan nyeri persalinan, teknik counterpressure, teknik counterpressure pada ibu bersalin. Hasil studi literature didapatkan 681 artikel, namun yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi adalah 8 artikel nasional, 1 artikel internasional dengan rentan tahun 2015-2020 dan didapatkan 9 artikel dengan desain penelitian kuantitatif yang menjelaskan intervensi non-farmakologis massage teknik counterpressure dengan cara mekenan pada daerah sacrum menggunakan tumit tangan atau kepalan tangan selama 20-30 menit. Penilaian skala nyeri sebagian besar menggunakan menggunakan NRS (Numerik Rating Scale), VAS (Visual Analog Scale) dan Wong Baker Face Scale. Intervensi teknik counterpressure saat dilakukan tekanan akan mengaktifkan senyawa endhoprin yang dapat menghambat respon nyeri menuju medulla spinalis dan otak, sehingga dapat menyebabkan penurunan respon nyeri, ketagangan otot hilang dan ibu merasa lebih nyaman saat persalinan, maka intervensi teknik counterpressure efektif dilakukan pada ibu yang mengalami nyeri persalinan kala I fase aktif. Rekomendasi perlu penerapan intervensi counterpressure dalam bentuk kebijakan standar operasional prosedur pertolongan persalinan yang baku untuk menurunkan nyeri persalinan pada kala I. Kata kunci: Intranatal, Kala I, Nyeri persalinan, Teknik counterpressure Labor pain is a normal process of maternity mother caused by cervical dilation process, hypoxia of uterine muscles at contraction, uterine ischemia and stretching of the lower segment of the uterus. Non-pharmacological methods are more recommended to lower labor pains, as they are considered safe and have no side effects. Massage technique Counterpressure One of the non-pharmacological methods to lower labor pains. The purpose of this research is to identify the effectiveness of counterpressure techniques on intranatal mothers in the I to lower labor pains. The research method used is the study of literature review. Search using Data base: DOAJ, Sciendirect, PUBMED, Garuda and Google Scholar, with the keyword massase AND counterpressure, massase counterpressure lowers labor pains, counterpressure techniques, counterpressure techniques in maternity mothers. The results of the literature study obtained 681 articles, but which meet the criteria of inclusion and exclusion are 8 national articles, 1 international article with vulnerable years 2015-2020 and obtained 9 articles with a quantitative research design that explains the non-pharmacological intervention massage technique counterpressure by means of the sacrum area using hand heel or fist for 20-30 minutes. The pain scale assessment is mostly using NRS (Numeric Ratting Scale), VAS (Visual Analog Scale) and Wong Baker Face Scale. Intervention of counterpressure technique when the pressure will activate the endhoprin compounds that will inhibit pain response to the spinal cord and brain, so that it can cause a decrease in pain response, lost muscle tone and mother feel more comfortable during childbirth, then effective counterpressure technique intervention is performed on mothers who experience labor pains during the active phase. Recommendations need to apply counterpressure interventions in the form of the standard operational policy of labor relief procedures to reduce labor pains in kala I. Keywords: Intranatal, Kala I, Maternity pain, Counterpressure technique
Item Description:http://repository.upi.edu/50147/1/TA_JKR_1705217_Title.pdf