Abstrak Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pelaksanaan pelatihan oleh Koperasi Bangkit Bersama yang berlokasi di pinggiran sungai Citarum. Koperasi ini mengadakan pelatihan keterampilan kerajinan eceng gondok, daur ulang sampah, dan pelestarian hutan komunitas sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan kema...

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Main Author: Rika Fitri Ramadani, - (Author)
Format: Book
Published: 2021-01-30.
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Summary:Abstrak Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pelaksanaan pelatihan oleh Koperasi Bangkit Bersama yang berlokasi di pinggiran sungai Citarum. Koperasi ini mengadakan pelatihan keterampilan kerajinan eceng gondok, daur ulang sampah, dan pelestarian hutan komunitas sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan kemampuan masyarakat yang berdomisili di bantaran aliran sungai Citarum. Pelatihan keterampilan yang dilaksanakan Koperasi ini berbeda dengan pelatihan pada umumnya. Pelatihan yang dilaksanakan koperasi ini menggunakan pendekatan family cluster yaitu pengelolaan dan pengorganisasian individu peserta pelatihan dikelompokkan berdasarkan garis kekeluargaan dengan menelusuri silsilah keluarga sejak keluarga inti (nucleus family) hingga keluarga besar (extended family). Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan pelatihan keterampilan berbasis family cluster. Rumusan masalah penelitian "bagaimana pelatihan keterampilan berbasis family cluster di Koperasi Bangkit Bersama?" terutama mengenai (1) bagaimana input pelatihan keterampilan berbasis family cluster di Koperasi Bangkit Bersama? (2) bagaimana proses pelatihan keterampilan (perencanaan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi, dan tindak lanjut) berbasis family cluster di Koperasi Bangkit Bersama? (3) bagaimana outcome pelatihan keterampilan berbasis family cluster di koperasi bangkit bersama? Penelitian ini secara kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus. Data diperoleh dari responden/sampel kasus yaitu pengelola koperasi dan kelompok keluarganya melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) input pelatihan, terutama mengenai peserta pelatihan berstatus keluarga/family, yaitu: Iin (ayah), Rohilah (ibu), Asep, Jajang, Cecep, Ahmad, Eha (anak), Srimanah, Reni, Lia, Euis, Agus,(menantu): Agung, Saepul (cucu), dan: Abas, Ading (saudara dari menantu). Fasilitator: Indra, Endang, Illah, Maman, Enci, Aji, Sholahudin, Deni (pengelola) dan Dadang,Ujang, Wandi, dan Agus (mitra). Biaya pelatihan Rp. 2.000.000/pertemuan untuk konsumsi, akomodasi, dan lainnya (dari mitra). Peralatan produksi terdiri atas: mesin pencacah plastik, mesin press, perahu, dan peralat produksi lainnya). Bahan baku adalah sampah, terutama plastik, eceng gondok, dan bibit pohon); (2) proses pelatihan ternyata melalui pendekatan family cluster dapat menarik minat dan perhatian peserta pelatihan, terjadi learning exchange antar anggota keluarga, dan memudahkan pengelola menggerakkan, membina, dan mengevaluasi proses pelatihan. (3) outcome pelatihan, terutama dari kerajinan eceng gondok dan daur ulang sampah secara aspek ekonomi dapat meningkatan pendapatan keluarga. Peningkatan ini terlihat dari pendapatan bulanan dari Rp 500.000/bulan menjadi Rp 2.500.000/bulan). Kepemilikan motor, kulkas, mesin cuci, televisi 24 inch, handphone, dan beberapa peserta mampu sekolahkan anaknya ada yang di jenjang perguruan tinggi. Sementara, pelestarian hutan komunitas mampu memenuhi kebutuhan pangan sehari-hari melalui hasil penanaman sayur, umbi-umbian, buah dan rimpang. Kelihatannya, pelestarian hutan komunitas tidak berdampak signifikan terhadap peningkatan ekonomi keluarga peserta dalam jangka pendek, tapi menjadi investasi jangka panjang. Kata Kunci: Pelatihan Keterampilan, Family Cluster, Ekonomi Keluarga Abstract This research was motivated by the implementation of training by the Bangkit Bersama cooperative which is located on the banks of the Citarum river. This cooperative conducts training in water hyacinth craft skills, waste recycling, and community forest preservation as an effort to improve the capacity of the people who live along the Citarum river. The skills training carried out by the Bangkit Bersama Cooperative is different from training in general. The training carried out by this cooperative used a family cluster approach, namely the management and organization of individual training participants grouped based on kinship lines by tracing the family tree from the nuclear family to the extended family. This research describes implementation of skill training based on family cluster. The research question "how is the implementation of skill training based on family cluster at the Bangkit Bersama Cooperative?" especially regarding (1) how is the input at the Bangkit Bersama Cooperative? (2) how is the training process (planning, implementing, evaluating, and following up) of the skills training in the Bangkit Bersama Cooperative? (3) how is the outcome skill training in the Bangkit Bersama Cooperative? This research is qualitative with a case study design. Data was obtained from respondents / case samples, namely cooperative managers and their family groups through interviews, observation and documentation. The research findings showed that: (1) training input, especially regarding training participants with family status, namely: Iin (father), Rohilah (mother), Asep, Jajang, Cecep, Ahmad, Eha (child), Srimanah, Reni, Lia , Euis, Agus, (son-in-law): Agung, Saepul (grandson), and: Abas, Ading (brother-in-law). Facilitators: Indra, Endang, Illah, Maman, Enci, Aji, Sholahudin, Deni (manager) and Dadang, Ujang, Wandi, and Agus (partners). The training fee is Rp. 2,000,000/meeting for consumption, accommodation, and others (from partners). Production equipment consists of: plastic chopping machines, press machines, boats and other production equipment). The raw materials are waste, especially plastics, water hyacinth and tree seeds); (2) it turned out that the training process through the family cluster approach was able to attract the interest and attention of training participants, there was a learning exchange between family members, and made it easier for managers to mobilize, foster, and evaluate the training process. The outcome of the training, especially from water hyacinth crafts and waste recycling from an economic aspect, is able to increase family income. This increase can be seen from the monthly income from IDR 500,000/month to IDR 2,500,000/ month). Owners of motorbikes, refrigerators, washing machines, 24 inch televisions, cellphones, and some of the participants who were able to send their children to college are at the university level. Meanwhile, community forest preservation was able to fulfill their daily food needs by planting vegetables, tubers, fruit and rhizomes. It seems that the preservation of community forest does not have a significant impact on improving the economy of the participating families in the short term, but is a long-term investment. Keywords: Skill Training, Family Cluster, Family Economic
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