ABSTRAK Perang Bubat mangrupa kajadian nu ngalégénda di Tatar Sunda. Ku kituna, ieu kajadian meunangkeun perhatian teu ngan ukur masarakat jaman baheula, tapi nepi ka masarakat modern ayeuna. Udagan ieu panalungtikan nyaéta ngabandingkeun struktur carita dina novél Perang Bubat karya Aan Merdeka...

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Main Author: Ayu Sari Andini, - (Author)
Format: Book
Published: 2021-07-29.
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Summary:ABSTRAK Perang Bubat mangrupa kajadian nu ngalégénda di Tatar Sunda. Ku kituna, ieu kajadian meunangkeun perhatian teu ngan ukur masarakat jaman baheula, tapi nepi ka masarakat modern ayeuna. Udagan ieu panalungtikan nyaéta ngabandingkeun struktur carita dina novél Perang Bubat karya Aan Merdeka Permana jeung kumpulan carita Perang Bubat karya Sri Wintala Achmad. Ieu dua karya sastra miboga sasaruaan téma ngeunaan kajadian Perang Bubat. Tiori nu digunakeun nyaéta tiori struktural R. Stanton jeung tiori sastra bandingan Endaswara. Ieu panalungtikan mangrupa panalungtikan kualitatif kalawan ngagunakeun métode déskriptif. Téhnik talaah pustaka dipaké pikeun ngumpulkeun data. Anapon dina ngolah data ngagunakeun téhnik analisis. Struktur carita nu dianalisis tuluy dibandingkeun ngawengku téma, galur, palaku, jeung latar. Hasilna, téma dina Perang Bubat karya Aan Merdeka Permana jeung kumpulan carita Perang Bubat karya Sri Wintala Achmad miboga sasaruaan ngeunaan kajadian Perang Bubat. Nu ngabédakeunana katingali tina waktu kajadian, jenis galur nu digunakeun pangarang jeung palaku utama nu ngalalakon dina carita. Kacindekanana, novél Perang Bubat karya Aan Merdeka Permana nyaritakeun Perang Bubat nu leuwih kompléks jeung béda ti carita ngeunaan Perang Bubat nu umum dipikawanoh ku masarakat, lantaran dicaritakeun Gajah Mada mangrupa palaku nu kasalahkeun alatan kasalahan batur. Sedengkeun dina kumpulan carita Perang Bubat karya Sri Wintala Achmad dicaritakeun yén nu boga dosa kana kajadian Perang Bubat nyaéta Gajah Mada, lantaran dicaritakeun Gajah Mada bogoh ka Dyah Pitaloka jeung nganggap hina karajaan Sunda. The Bubat War incident is a legendary event in Sunda island. This event received attention not only from ancient society, but also from modern society today. The purpose of this study is to compare the story structure between the novel War Bubat by Aan Merdeka Permana and the collection of stories War Bubat by Sri Wintala Achmad. These two literary works have something in common, the theme of the War Bubat. The theory used in this research is R. Stanton's structural theory and Endaswara's comparative literature theory. This research is a qualitative research using descriptive method. Literature review techniques were used in collecting data. Meanwhile, to process the data used analytical techniques. The structure of the story that is analyzed and then compared is the theme, plot, characters, and setting. As a result, the theme between the novel War of Bubat by Aan Merdeka Permana and the collection of stories War Bubat by Sri Wintala Achmad has something in common, the incident of the Bubat War. The difference can be seen from the time of the incident, the type of plot, and the main actors. In conclusion, the novel War Bubat by Aan Merdeka Permana tells the events of the Bubat War which are more complex and different from the Bubat War stories known to the general public. Meanwhile, in the collection of stories about the Bubat War by Sri Wintala Achmad, it is said that Gajah Mada was responsible for the Bubat War, because it was told that he loved Dyah Pitaloka and despised the Sunda.
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