ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan karena, belum terintegrasinya elemen kurikulum mata pelajaran kimia dengan mata pelajaran kejuruan pada Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Kompetensi Keahlian Kimia Industri. Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk menyempurnakan elemen kurikulum kimia terhadap kebutu...

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Main Author: Isnaini Tri Fauziyah, - (Author)
Format: Book
Published: 2021-08-30.
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Summary:ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan karena, belum terintegrasinya elemen kurikulum mata pelajaran kimia dengan mata pelajaran kejuruan pada Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Kompetensi Keahlian Kimia Industri. Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk menyempurnakan elemen kurikulum kimia terhadap kebutuhan SMK kompetensi keahlian kimia Industri, dengan menggunakan metodelogi Research and Development (R&D) yang dimodifikasi oleh Sukmadinata menjadi 3 tahap yaitu tahap perencanaan, pengembangan, dan validasi. Penelitian ini melibatkan 2 ahli pendidikan kimia, 3 guru kimia SMK, dan 4 guru SMK Kompetensi Keahlian Kimia Industri yang berperan sebagai validator. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa format validasi kompetensi dasar, konten, dimensi pengetahuan dan desain Pembelajaran. Teknik analisis data dilakukan secara kualitatif, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, kompetensi dasar kimia yang relevan dengan kebutuhan SMK Kompetensi Keahlian Kimia Industri meliputi kemampuan menjelaskan, menerapkan, menentukan, mengidentifikasi, mengklasifikasi, menghubungkan, menghitung, menyelidiki, menganalisis, membuat, memgoperasikan, dan melakukan tentang konten kimia yang dianalisis. Komposisi konten kimia yang relevan dengan kebutuhan SMK Kompetensi Kimia Industri terdiri dari Sifat, simbol bahaya dan MSDS bahan kimia (16%), Hukum dasar kimia dan perhitungan kimia (12%), Pengolahan Limbah Kimia (12%), Sifat bahan kimia penyusun APAR (4%), larutan primer dan larutan sekunder (4%), titrasi asam-basa (4%), Indikator asam-basa (4%), Fraksi-fraksi minyak bumi (4%), Kelarutan dan Ksp (4%), Reaksi elektrolisis dan hukum Faraday (4%), Keselamatan dan keamanan di laboratorium (4%), Koloid (4%), Sifat fisika dan Kimia (4%), Termodinamika (4%), Reaki Kesetimbangan (4%), Senyawa Karbon (4%), Sifat kandungan dan macam-macam semen dan keramik (4%) Sabun dan detergen (4%), dan Komponen cat dan konsep cat nanoteknologi (4%). Dimensi pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural diorientasikan bahan-bahan kimia yang digunakan pada bidang Kimia Industri, Strategi pembelajaran kimia diorientasikan pada Student Centered Learning yang dapat digunakan untuk menyampaikan konten kimia terintegrasi pada pembelajaran kimia, dengan ragam variasi tempat belajar di kelas, laboratorium, lapangan, maupun di rumah dan tempat magang yang dapat diterapkan/dipakai sebagai dasar ilmu saat magang. Kata Kunci: Kurikulum, Kimia, SMK, Kimia Industri. ABSTRACT This research was conducted because the elements of the curriculum for chemistry subjects have not been integrated with vocational subjects at the Industrial Chemistry Competency Vocational High School (VHS). This research aims to improve the elements of the chemistry curriculum to the needs of the Industrial chemistry competency vocational school, using the Research and Development (R&D) methodology which was modified by Sukmadinata into 3 stages, namely the planning, development, and validation stages. This study involved 2 chemistry education experts, 3 SMK chemistry teachers, and 4 Industrial Chemistry Expert Competency SMK teachers who acted as validators. The instruments used are basic competency validation formats, content, knowledge dimensions and learning design. The data analysis technique was carried out qualitatively, the results showed that the basic chemistry competencies relevant to the needs of the SMK Industrial Chemistry Expertise Competencies include the ability to explain, apply, determine, identify, classify, relate, calculate, investigate, analyze, create, operate, and perform about the chemical content being analyzed. The composition of chemical content that is relevant to the needs of the Industrial Chemistry Competency Vocational School consists of the properties, hazard symbols and MSDS of chemicals (16%), basic laws of chemistry and chemical calculations (12%), Chemical Waste Treatment (12%), Chemical properties of fire extinguishers (4%), primary solution and secondary solution (4%), acid-base titration (4%), acid-base indicator (4%), petroleum fractions (4%), Solubility and Ksp (4%) , Electrolysis reactions and Faraday's law (4%), Safety and security in the laboratory (4%), Colloids (4%), Physical and chemical properties (4%), Thermodynamics (4%), Equilibrium reactions (4%), Compounds Carbon (4%), Properties and types of cement and ceramics (4%) Soaps and detergents (4%), and Paint components and nanotechnology paint concepts (4%). Dimensions of factual, conceptual, and procedural knowledge are oriented to chemicals used in the field of Industrial Chemistry, Chemistry learning strategies are oriented to Student Centered Learning which can be used to deliver integrated chemistry content in chemistry learning, with a variety of learning places in the classroom, laboratory, field, as well as at home and internships that can be applied/used as a basis for knowledge during internships. Keywords: Curriculum, Chemistry, Vocational High School, Industrial Chemistry.
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