SISTEM MANAJEMEN MUTU PERGURUAN TINGGI :Studi tentang Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Visioner dan Kinerja Dosen terhadap Mutu Perguruan Tinggi Swasta di Kota Bandung

Quality management becomes the phenomenon that needs special attention for higher education institutions including private higher education institutions. In order to create a qualified higher education, visionary leadership is needed. Visionary leadership is defined as the ability of a leader to thi...

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Main Author: Christianingsih, Endah (Author)
Format: Book
Published: 2011-08-24.
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Summary:Quality management becomes the phenomenon that needs special attention for higher education institutions including private higher education institutions. In order to create a qualified higher education, visionary leadership is needed. Visionary leadership is defined as the ability of a leader to think forward, respond on the change of environment, and is able to face the change as well as to become the agent of change. Furthermore, the assistance of lecturers who are competent, high motivation in their performance within the conducive environment is very supportive to build a qualified higher education. This study aims at investigating both the quality management of higher education in Bandung and in depth testing the significance of the influence of visionary leadership and the performance of lecturers on the quality. This study employs qualitative approach and explanatory survey as the method that involves 17 private universities in Bandung as the sample. This sample is then drawn using stratified proportionate random sampling technique and as a result it is chosen for the sample three private universities in Bandung including Universitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM), Universitas Widyatama (Utama), and Universitas Nasional Pasim. The subjects of the research are lecturers with functional appointment in the position of expertise assistance at the least, and the head of study program of private universities in Bandung. Furthermore, the data needed is secondary data taken by using closed questionnaire that has been tried out its validity and reliability. The data collected is then analyzed descriptively, while the hypothesis testing is analyzed using path analysis. The results show that visionary leadership gives 74.8 % contribution and strongly and significantly influences on the performance of lecturers in private higher educations. Furthermore, visionary leadership gives 87.5 % contribution and strongly and significantly affects the quality of private higher educations. Both visionary leadership and lecturers' performance contribute 87. 8 % and strongly and significantly gives impact on the quality of private higher educations. Therefore, it concludes that visionary leadership and lecturers' performance are strategic factors to form qualified private higher education in Bandung. By referring to the result of the research above, it is recommended that to form a qualified private higher education, the leader of private higher education can apply the strategic factors covering visionary leadership that is able to make use of the role as the director, agent of change, spokesperson and coach. Other than that, the leader of private higher education should pay attention to the performance of the lecturers by improving their competencies, and prestige motivations, and by enabling them to create a conducive environment. Sistem Manajemen mutu menjadi fenomena yang memerlukan perhatian khusus bagi perguruan tinggi termasuk perguruan tinggi swasta. Untuk menciptakan perguruan tinggi yang bermutu dibutuhkan kepemimpinan visioner, yaitu kemampuan seorang pemimpin yang berdaya pikir jauh ke depan tanggap terhadap perkembangan ling-kungan, dan mampu menghadapi perubahan, serta menjadi agen perubahan. Selain itu dukungan kinerja dosen, dalam arti dosen yang berkompeten, memiliki motif berprestasi dan lingkungan yang kondusif sangat membantu terwujudnya perguruan tinggi yang bermutu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sistem manajemen mutu perguruan tinggi di kota Bandung dan secara mendalam bermaksud menguji seberapa kuat dan signifikan pengaruh kepemimpinan visioner dan kinerja dosen terhadap mutu PTS di kota Bandung. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan metode explanatory survey. Populasi dalam penelitian ini melibatkan 17 universitas sawata yang ada di Kota Bandung. Penarikan sampel menggunakan teknik stratified proportionate random sampling sehingga terpilih tiga Perguruan Tinggi Swasta (PTS) yaitu Universitas Komputer Indonesia (Unikom), Universitas Widyatama (Utama), dan Universitas Nasional Pasim sebagai sampel. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah dosen yang telah memperoleh jabatan fungsional minimal Asisten Ahli, dan ketua program studi PTS yang ada di kota Bandung. Data yang diperlukan adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh melalui angket (kuesioner) tertutup yang telah teruji validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Data yang telah terkumpul dianalisa dengan analisis deskriptif, sedangkan pengujian hipotesis menggunakan analisis jalur (path analysis). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemimpinan visioner memberikan kontribusi sebesar 74.8% dan berpengaruh kuat serta signifikan terhadap kinerja dosen PTS. Kemimpinan visioner memberikan kontribusi sebesar 87.5% dan berpengaruh kuat serta signifikan terhadap mutu PTS. Kinerja dosen memberikan kontribusi sebesar 70.3% dan berpengaruh kuat serta signifikan terhadap mutu PTS. Secara bersama-sama kepemimpinan visioner dan kinerja dosen memberikan kontribusi sebesar 87.8 % dan berpengaruh kuat serta signifikan terhadap mutu PTS. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kepemimpinan visioner dan kinerja dosen merupakan faktor-faktor strategis untuk mewujudkan PTS yang bermutu di kota Bandung. Mengacu pada hasil penelitian di atas, direkomendasikan bahwa untuk mewujudkan PTS yang bermutu pimpinan PTS dapat menggunakan faktor-faktor strategis yaitu kepemimpinan visoner yang mamapu memanfaatkan perannya sebagai penentu arah, agen perubahan, juru bicara, dan pelatih. Selain itu pimpinan PTS juga sebaiknya lebih memperhatikan kinerja dosennya dengan meningkatkan kompetensi, dan motif berpretasinya, serta mampu menciptakan lingkungan yang kondusif.
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