ABSTRAK Fuzy Abawaini (2022). "Positive Parenting Skill dalam Mengembangkan Kemampuan Literasi Anak Melalui Praktik Read Aloud". Tesis. Dibimbing Oleh, Dr. Tina Hayati Dahlan, M.Pd. dan Yeni Rachmawati, M.Pd, Ph.D. Program Studi Psikologi Pendidikan Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidi...

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Main Author: Fuzy Abawaini, - (Author)
Format: Book
Published: 2022-09-26.
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Summary:ABSTRAK Fuzy Abawaini (2022). "Positive Parenting Skill dalam Mengembangkan Kemampuan Literasi Anak Melalui Praktik Read Aloud". Tesis. Dibimbing Oleh, Dr. Tina Hayati Dahlan, M.Pd. dan Yeni Rachmawati, M.Pd, Ph.D. Program Studi Psikologi Pendidikan Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Indonesia memiliki nilai rata-rata yang rendah dalam kemampuan literasi, provinsi Jawa Barat merupakan salah satu Provinsi di Indonesia yang masuk ke dalam kategori literasi rendah. Hal tersebut membuat para ibu memiliki kekhawatiran, sehingga kekhawatiran tersebut membuat ibu melakukan tindakan pencegahan untuk anak-anaknya. Belakangan ini muncul fenomena Read Aloud yang yang diminati oleh para ibu, khususnya ibu yang memperhatikan literasi anak. Read Aloud adalah strategi membaca yang efektif dan memiliki banyak manfaat dan dampak, seperti membantu memperbaiki kemampuan literasi. Berangkat dari fenomena tersebut, Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui parenting skill ibu dalam mengembangkan kemampuan literasi anak sejak usia anak masih dini dengan Read Aloud sebagai sarana penunjangnya. Penelitian ini merupakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode fenomenologi guna menganalisis pengalaman seseorang hingga memunculkan ilmu baru. Responden dalam penelitian ini merupakan tiga ibu yang melakukan Read Aloud bersama anaknya di rumah secara konsisten. Teknik pengambilan data melalui in-depth interview. Data dianalisis melalui tiga tahap, yakni data summary, coding, dan clustering. Empat tema utama ditemukan dalam penelitian ini. (1) Persepsi ibu tentang Read Aloud. Ibu menyatakan bahwa Read Aloud merupakan kegiatan sederhana, tetapi memiliki banyak manfaat, (2) Strategi Read Aloud, meliputi proses Read Aloud dari awal hingga akhir dan faktor penghambat dan pendukung. (3) Hasil yang dirasakan ibu, meliputi perasaan yang muncul pada ibu dan anak, perilaku yang muncul pada anak, dampak bagi perkembangan psikologis anak, dan dampak bagi perkembangan kemampuan literasi anak. (4) Mengasuh dengan cara yang positif, meliputi hal-hal yang dilakukan oleh ibu dalam melakukan pengasuhan melalui praktik Read Aloud. Kata kunci: Read Aloud, Positive Parenting Skills, Literasi ABSTRACT Fuzy Abawaini (2022). "Positive Parenting Skills in Developing Children's Literacy Skills Through Read Aloud". Thesis. Supervised By, Dr. Tina Hayati Dahlan, M.Pd. and Yeni Rachmawati, M.Pd, Ph.D. Graduate School of Educational Psychology Study Program, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Indonesia has a low average score in literacy skills, the province of West Java is one of the provinces in Indonesia that falls into the category of low literacy. This makes mothers have worries, so that these worries make mothers take precautions for their children. Recently, the Read Aloud phenomenon has emerged which is of interest to mothers, especially mothers who pay attention to children's literacy. Read Aloud is an effective reading strategy and has many benefits and impacts, such as helping to improve literacy skills. Departing from this phenomenon, this study aims to determine the parenting skills of mothers in developing children's literacy skills from an early age with Read Aloud as a supporting tool. This research is a qualitative approach using phenomenological methods to analyze one's experience to bring up new knowledge. Respondents in this study were three mothers who did Read Aloud with their children at home consistently. Data collection techniques through in-depth interviews. Data were analyzed in three stages, namely data summary, coding, and clustering. Four main themes were found in this study. (1) Mother's perception of Read Aloud. Mother stated that Read Aloud is a simple activity, but it has many benefits. (2) The Read Aloud strategy includes the Read Aloud process from beginning to end and the inhibiting and supporting factors. (3) The results felt by the mother include the feelings that arise in the mother and child, the behavior that appears in the child, the impact on the psychological development of the child, and the impact on the development of the child's literacy ability. (4) Parenting in a positive way, including the things that mothers do in caring for them through the practice of Read Aloud. Keywords: Read Aloud, Positive Parenting Skills, Literacy
Item Description:http://repository.upi.edu/82796/1/T_PP_1802928_Title.pdf