ABSTRAK Penelitian ini merupakan bentuk penelitian pengembangan terhadap suatu model pembelajaran. Latar belakang penelitian ini didasarkan dari dua hal dalam pembelajaran IPS. Pertama, banyaknya sajian pembelajaran IPS yang dikemas dengan cara yang monoton. Kedua, rendahnya minat wirausaha peserta...

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Main Author: Fajar Wahyudi Utomo, - (Author)
Format: Book
Published: 2023-08-22.
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Summary:ABSTRAK Penelitian ini merupakan bentuk penelitian pengembangan terhadap suatu model pembelajaran. Latar belakang penelitian ini didasarkan dari dua hal dalam pembelajaran IPS. Pertama, banyaknya sajian pembelajaran IPS yang dikemas dengan cara yang monoton. Kedua, rendahnya minat wirausaha peserta didik. Model pembelajaran ini bernama model pembelajaran IPS role playing card (RPC) berbasis nilai-nilai wirausaha Etnis Madura dalam meningkatkan minat wirausaha peserta didik. Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan bagaiman konsep model pembelajaran role playing card (RPC) berbasis nilai-nilai wirausaha Etnis Madura, kemudian mengetahui bagaimana hasil uji coba model tersebut serta tingkat efektifitasnya dalam meningkatkan minat wirausaha peserta didik. Metode penelitian&pengembangan ADDIE memiliki empat tahapan diantaranya tahap analisis (Analysis), tahap desain (Design), tahap pengembangan (Development), tahap implementasi (Implementation), dan tahap Evaluasi (Evaluation). Subjek dan lokasi penelitian ini ialah peserta didik kelas IX SMP yang berasal dari 10 SMP Negeri baik di Kota maupun Kabupaten Bekasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : (1) Model pembelajaran role playing card (RPC) berbasis nilai-nilai wirausaha Etnis Madura, dapat dioperasionalkan melalui 5 langkah pembelajaran dibantu dengan media kartu (problem card & solution card) serta teks skenario. (2) Hasil uji coba yang dilakukan terdiri dari dua tahap, uji coba terbatas, uji coba luas. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba terbatas yang dilakukan pada 3 SMP Negeri baik di Kota dan Kabupten Bekasi, menyimpulkan 65% model pembelajaran cukup praktis untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran IPS. Kemudian terdapat tiga kali perubahan atau revisi sintak model pembelajaran hingga menjadi sintak akhir model pembelajaran RPC. Selanjutnya hasil uji coba luas pada 5 SMP Negeri lainnya tidak terdapat hambatan yang berarti, hanya terdapat beberapa catatan kecil berupa saran tambahan waktu saat kegiatan diskusi peserta didik. (3) Efektivitas model pembelajaran RPC berbasis nilai-nilai wirausaha Etnis Madura pada 2 SMP Negeri melalui penghitungan skor pre test dan post test menghasilkan kesimpulan tingkat efektivitas terkategori cukup efektif dalam meningkatkan minat wirausaha peserta didik. Kata Kunci : Model Pembelajaran Role Playing Card (RPC), Nilai-nilai Wirausaha Etnis Madura, Minat Wirausaha, Pembelajaran IPS. ABSTRACT This research is a form of development research on a learning model. The background of this research is based on two things in social studies learning. First, there are many IPS learning offerings packaged in a monotonous way. Second, the low interest in entrepreneurial students. This learning model is called the IPS role playing card (RPC) learning model based on the entrepreneurial values of the Madurese Ethnic to increase students' entrepreneurial interest. This study aims to explain how the concept of the role playing card (RPC) learning model is based on the entrepreneurial values of the Madurese ethnicity and then to find out the results of the trial of this model and its level of effectiveness in increasing students' entrepreneurial interest. The ADDIE research and development method has four stages, including the analysis stage, the design stage, the development stage, the implementation stage, and the evaluation stage. The subjects and locations of this study were students of class IX junior high school from 10 public junior high schools, both in the city and district of Bekasi. The results of the study show that: (1) The role playing card (RPC) learning model based on the entrepreneurial values of the Madurese ethnicity can be operationalized through five learning steps assisted by media cards (problem cards and solution cards) and scenario texts. (2) The results of the trial consisted of two stages, limited trial and a wide trial. Based on the results of limited trials conducted at 3 public junior high schools in both the City and Bekasi Regency, it was concluded that 65% of the learning models were practical enough to be used in social studies learning. Then there are three changes or revisions to the syntax of the learning model until it becomes the final syntax of the RPC learning model. Furthermore, the results of the extensive trial at five other Public Middle Schools did not show any significant obstacles, there were only a few small notes in the form of suggestions for additional time during student discussion activities. (3) The effectiveness of the RPC learning model based on the entrepreneurial values of the Madurese Ethnic in 2 Public Middle Schools through the calculation of pre-test and post-test scores resulted in the conclusion that the level of effectiveness was categorized as quite effective in increasing students' entrepreneurial interest. Keywords: Role Playing Card (RPC) Learning Model, Madura Ethnic Entrepreneurial Values, Entrepreneurial Interests, Social Studies Learning.
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