Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Research & information: general 22
- Technology: general issues 19
- History of engineering & technology 13
- Chemistry 8
- European history 7
- 20th century history: c 1900 to c 2000 6
- Biography & True Stories 6
- Biology, life sciences 6
- Social & cultural history 4
- Earth sciences, geography, environment, planning 3
- Medicine 3
- Physics 3
- 21st century history: from c 2000 - 2
- African history 2
- Archaeology 2
- Chemical engineering 2
- Colonialism & imperialism 2
- General studies 2
- Higher & further education, tertiary education 2
- Humanities 2
- Jurisprudence & general issues 2
- Literary studies: fiction, novelists & prose writers 2
- Literary studies: from c 1900 - 2
- Mechanical engineering & materials 2
- Modern history to 20th century: c 1700 to c 1900 2
- Political ideologies 2
- Political science & theory 2
- Regional government policies 2
- Science: general issues 2
- Social & political philosophy 2
Le logement en Égypte
Published 1992Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Présence de l'au-del
Published 2004Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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L'interdisciplinarité au travail Du travail interdisciplinaire à la transformation du travail
Published 2020Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Structure evolution in tribological interfaces studied by multilayer model alloys
Published 2020Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Structure evolution in tribological interfaces studied by multilayer model alloys
Published 2020Subjects: OAPEN Library: download the publication
OAPEN Library: description of the publication
Electronic Book Chapter -
Au-pair: Von der Kulturträgerin zum Dienstmädchen Die moderne Kleinfamilie als Bildungsbörse und Arbeitsplatz
Published 2008Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
L'éducation pour tous : Une anthologie du Rapport Parent
Published 2002Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Au-pair: Von der Kulturträgerin zum Dienstmädchen Die moderne Kleinfamilie als Bildungsbörse und Arbeitsplatz
Published 2008Subjects: OAPEN Library: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
La Comédie Screwball hollywoodienne 1934-1945 : Sexe, amour et idéaux démocratiques
Published 2013Subjects: “…genre au cinéma…”
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Experts et expertises au Moyen Âge. Consilium quaeritur a perito : XLIIe Congrès de la SHMESP (Oxford, 31 mars-3 avril 2011)
Published 2012Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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L'érotisme des problèmes
Published 2014Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Nanny families Practices of care by nannies, au pairs, parents and children in Sweden
Published 2019Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Beyrouth et ses faubourgs
Published 1996Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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L'interaction professionnelle : Efficacité et coopération
Published 2003Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Pouvoirs anciens, pouvoirs modernes de l'Afrique d'aujourd'hui
Published 2015Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Nanny families Practices of care by nannies, au pairs, parents and children in Sweden
Published 2019Subjects: OAPEN Library: download the publication
OAPEN Library: description of the publication
Electronic Book Chapter -
Rocks in the Water, Rocks in the Sun: A Memoir from the Heart of Haiti
Published 2015Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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France, Syrie et Liban 1918-1946
Published 2002Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Gouverner une ville
Published 1998Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Femmes et villes
Published 2004Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter