Published 2018
“…Amanda Mooney; Billy Hawkins; Brendan Hokowhitu; Carolyn Pluim; Chris Hickey; David Kirk; Deana Leahy; Doune Macdonald; Football 4 Peace; Foucault; Goran Gerdin; Graham Spacey;
HPE teaching; Hakan Larsson; J. P. Mills; Jan Wright; Janice Atkin; Jayne Caudwell; Jim Denison; Lisette Burrows; Louise Burrows; Louise McCuaig; Michael Gard; MIkael Quennerstedt; PETE; Pirkko Markula; Richard Pringle; Richard Tinning; Rod Philpot; Roy McCree; Salutogenic Questions; Simon C. …”
OAPEN Library: description of the publication
Book Chapter