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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Education 12
- Educational equipment & technology, computer-aided learning (CAL) 8
- Primary & middle schools 8
- Higher & further education, tertiary education 6
- Open learning, home learning, distance education 6
- Research & information: general 3
- Business & management 2
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- Religious issues & debates 2
- Social welfare & social services 2
- Teacher training 2
- Film, TV & radio 1
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- LNQD 1
- Physics 1
- The arts 1
Private Positionsdaten und polizeiliche Aufklärung von Diebstählen Rechtliche, kriminalistische und technische Perspektiven
Published 2023Subjects: “…LAR bicssc…”
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Evaluierung der Strafvorschriften zur Bekämpfung des Menschenhandels (§§ 232 bis 233a StGB)
Published 2022Subjects: “…LAR bicssc…”
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Präexistente Musik im Film Klangwelten im Kino des Lars von Trier
Published 2022Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Eingesperrt und abgehängt? Gefangenentelefonie im Lichte des Resozialisierungsanspruchs, des rechtlichen Rahmens und der Praxis im Ländervergleich
Published 2022Subjects: “…LAR, LNFB bicssc…”
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Economics in Sweden
Published 1992Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Economics in Sweden
Published 1992Subjects: OAPEN Library: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Chapter 13 Outlook Context and its consequences: A neglected factor in research on early childhood teachers' professional skills?
Published 2021Subjects: “…Childhood, Competence, Early, Mathematics, professional, teachers, Simone, Dunekacke, Aljoscha ,Jegodtka, Thomas, Koinzer, Katja, Eilerts and Lars ,Jenßen…”
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Early Childhood Teachers' Professional Competence in Mathematics
Published 2021Subjects: “…Childhood, Competence, Early, Mathematics, professional, teachers, Simone, Dunekacke, Aljoscha ,Jegodtka, Thomas, Koinzer, Katja, Eilerts and Lars ,Jenßen…”
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Chapter 5 A math-avoidant profession? Review of the current research about early childhood teachers' mathematics anxiety and empirical evidence
Published 2021Subjects: “…Childhood, Competence, Early, Mathematics, professional, teachers, Simone, Dunekacke, Aljoscha ,Jegodtka, Thomas, Koinzer, Katja, Eilerts and Lars ,Jenßen…”
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Chapter 6 Kindergarten educators' affective-motivational dispositions Examining enthusiasm for fostering mathematics in kindergarten
Published 2021Subjects: “…Childhood, Competence, Early, Mathematics, professional, teachers, Simone, Dunekacke, Aljoscha ,Jegodtka, Thomas, Koinzer, Katja, Eilerts and Lars ,Jenßen…”
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Early Childhood Teachers' Professional Competence in Mathematics
Published 2021Subjects: “…Childhood, Competence, Early, Mathematics, professional, teachers, Simone, Dunekacke, Aljoscha ,Jegodtka, Thomas, Koinzer, Katja, Eilerts and Lars ,Jenßen…”
OAPEN Library: description of the publication
Electronic Book Chapter -
Chapter 5 A math-avoidant profession? Review of the current research about early childhood teachers' mathematics anxiety and empirical evidence
Published 2021Subjects: “…Childhood, Competence, Early, Mathematics, professional, teachers, Simone, Dunekacke, Aljoscha ,Jegodtka, Thomas, Koinzer, Katja, Eilerts and Lars ,Jenßen…”
OAPEN Library: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Chapter 13 Outlook Context and its consequences: A neglected factor in research on early childhood teachers' professional skills?
Published 2021Subjects: “…Childhood, Competence, Early, Mathematics, professional, teachers, Simone, Dunekacke, Aljoscha ,Jegodtka, Thomas, Koinzer, Katja, Eilerts and Lars ,Jenßen…”
OAPEN Library: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Chapter 6 Kindergarten educators' affective-motivational dispositions Examining enthusiasm for fostering mathematics in kindergarten
Published 2021Subjects: “…Childhood, Competence, Early, Mathematics, professional, teachers, Simone, Dunekacke, Aljoscha ,Jegodtka, Thomas, Koinzer, Katja, Eilerts and Lars ,Jenßen…”
OAPEN Library: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Wonder, Horror, Mystery Letters on Cinema and Religion in Malick, Von Trier, and Kieślowski
Published 2021Subjects: “…agnosticism;film studies;Krzysztof Kieślowski;Lars von Trier;religion;Terence Malick;theology…”
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Wonder, Horror, Mystery Letters on Cinema and Religion in Malick, Von Trier, and Kieślowski
Published 2021Subjects: “…agnosticism;film studies;Krzysztof Kieślowski;Lars von Trier;religion;Terence Malick;theology…”
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Responsible Drone Journalism
Published 2018Subjects: “…Johnson;Digital journalism;Disruptions;Drone;Drone journalism;Drone technology;Frode Guribye;Journalism;Lars Nyre;Turo Uskali…”
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Responsible Drone Journalism
Published 2018Subjects: “…Johnson;Digital journalism;Disruptions;Drone;Drone journalism;Drone technology;Frode Guribye;Journalism;Lars Nyre;Turo Uskali…”
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Monkey Trouble The Scandal of Posthumanism
Published 2017Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Monkey Trouble The Scandal of Posthumanism
Published 2017Subjects: OAPEN Library: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter