Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- linguistics 74
- Film: styles & genres 63
- Language: reference & general 62
- Sociolinguistics 61
- Criminology: legal aspects 60
- Jurisprudence & general issues 60
- Legal skills & practice 60
- Media studies 36
- Literature: history & criticism 34
- Gender studies, gender groups 33
- Music: styles & genres 28
- Film theory & criticism 21
- Literary studies: general 20
- Films, cinema 18
- Theory of music & musicology 18
- Literature & literary studies 14
- Film, TV & radio 10
- Animated films 9
- Humanities 9
- History 8
- Literary studies: fiction, novelists & prose writers 8
- Literary theory 8
- Social & cultural history 8
- Sociology 8
- Television 8
- General studies 7
- Human geography 7
- Music 7
- Social discrimination & inequality 7
- Cultural studies 6
L'assignation de genre dans les médias : Attentes, perturbations, reconfigurations
Published 2014Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
De la harpe au trombone : Apprentissage instrumental et construction du genre
Published 2012Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Écrire l'histoire des femmes et du genre
Published 2007Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Musiciennes en duo : Mères, filles, sœurs ou compagnes d'artistes
Published 2015Subjects: “…genre…”
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Women and Civil Society: Capacity Building in Yemen
Published 2011Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Biographie & Politique : Vie publique, vie privée, de l'Ancien Régime
Published 2014Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Le dictionnaire détourné : Socio-logiques d'un genre au second degré
Published 2013Subjects: “…genre littéraire…”
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Formation, qualification, éducation, emploi : La construction du genre
Published 2014Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Genre & Éducation : Former, se former, être formée au féminin
Published 2009Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
John Keats : Le Poète et le Mythe
Published 2011Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Le Lieu du genre : La narration, espace performatif du genre
Published 2011Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Masculin / Féminin dans la poésie et les poétiques du xixe siècle
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Orientation et parcours des filles et des garçons dans l'enseignement supérieur
Published 2016Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Représentations et identités sexuelles dans le théâtre de Shakespeare : Mises en scène du genre, écritures de l'histoire
Published 2010Subjects: “…genre…”
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Articuler diversité et genre : Un défi pour les hautes écoles
Published 2013Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Épistémologies du genre : Croisements des disciplines, intersections des rapports de domination
Published 2018Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Genre, femmes, histoire en Europe
Published 2011Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
La mémoire du roman
Published 2013Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Sexualités américaines
Published 1997Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Le souci des autres : Éthique et politique du care
Published 2011Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter