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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Research & information: general 27
- History of engineering & technology 20
- Biology, life sciences 17
- Medicine 17
- Technology: general issues 13
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- Universities 10
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- Inclusive education / mainstreaming 8
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- Ecological science, the Biosphere 5
- Environmental economics 5
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- Schools 5
- Anthropology 4
- Applied ecology 4
- Criminal law & procedure 4
- Educational psychology 4
- Environmental science, engineering & technology 4
- Higher & further education, tertiary education 4
- History of education 4
- Law 4
- Philosophy & theory of education 4
- Psychology 4
- Social & cultural history 4
- Social interaction 4
Chapter Where are the Things of the Internet? Precise Time of Arrival Estimation for IoT Positioning
Published 2019Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Chapter Where are the Things of the Internet? Precise Time of Arrival Estimation for IoT Positioning
Published 2019Subjects: OAPEN Library: download the publication
OAPEN Library: description of the publication
Electronic Book Chapter -
Deutungsmuster, Mentalitäten und kollektive Identitäten im ländlichen Raum Niedersachsens 2. Qualitative Vertiefungsstudie des Niedersächsischen Demokratie-Monitors (NDM)
Published 2023Subjects: OAPEN Library: download the publication
OAPEN Library: description of the publication
Electronic Book Chapter -
Niedersächsischer Demokratie-Monitor 2021 Politische Einstellungen in Niedersachsen während der Corona-Pandemie
Published 2021Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
DOAB: description of the publication
Electronic Book Chapter -
Niedersächsischer Demokratie-Monitor 2021 Politische Einstellungen in Niedersachsen während der Corona-Pandemie
Published 2021Subjects: OAPEN Library: download the publication
OAPEN Library: description of the publication
Electronic Book Chapter -
Die Südbahn Ihre Kurorte und Hotels
Published 2006Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Die Südbahn Ihre Kurorte und Hotels
Published 2006Subjects: OAPEN Library: download the publication
OAPEN Library: description of the publication
Electronic Book Chapter -
På vei til å bli skrivelærer Lærerstudenten i dialog med teori og praksis
Published 2016Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
På vei til å bli skrivelærer Lærerstudenten i dialog med teori og praksis
Published 2016Subjects: OAPEN Library: download the publication
OAPEN Library: description of the publication
Electronic Book Chapter -
The Mists of Ramanna The Legend That Was Lower Burma
Published 2005Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Im Steilhang der jüdische Friedhof zu Adelebsen : Erinnerung an eine zerstörte Gemeinschaft
Published 2010Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
The Mists of Ramanna The Legend That Was Lower Burma
Published 2005Subjects: OAPEN Library: download the publication
OAPEN Library: description of the publication
Electronic Book Chapter -
Im Steilhang der jüdische Friedhof zu Adelebsen : Erinnerung an eine zerstörte Gemeinschaft
Published 2010Subjects: OAPEN Library: download the publication
OAPEN Library: description of the publication
Electronic Book Chapter -
The Fifth Generation (5G) of Wireless Communication
Published 2019Subjects: “…mimo, free space optics, cramér-rao lower bound, array antenna…”
DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Chapter Determinants of the transition to upper secondary school: differences between immigrants and Italians
Published 2021Subjects: “…Lower-to-upper…”
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Chapter Determinants of the transition to upper secondary school: differences between immigrants and Italians
Published 2021Subjects: “…Lower-to-upper…”
OAPEN Library: download the publication
OAPEN Library: description of the publication
Electronic Book Chapter -
Videovernehmung kindlicher Zeugen zur Praxis des Zeugenschutzgesetzes
Published 2007Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter