Published 2014
Table of Contents:
“…Introduction -- Part 1: Language -- 1 Values, Types, and Operators -- 2 Program Structure -- 3 Functions -- 4 Data Structures: Object and Arrays -- 5 Higher-Order Functions -- 6 The Secret Life of Objects -- 7 Project: A Robot -- 8 Bugs and Errors -- 9 Regular Expressions -- 10 Modules -- 11 Asynchronous Programming -- 12 Project: A Programming Language -- Part 2: Browser -- 13 JavaScript and the Browser -- 14 The Document Object Model -- 15 Handling Events -- 16 Project: A
Platform Game -- 17 Drawing on Canvas -- 18 HTTP and Forms -- 19 Project: A Pixel Art Editor -- Part 3: Node -- 20 Node.js -- 21 Project: Skill-Sharing Website -- Exercise Hints…”
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