El sujeto en cuestión. Abordajes contemporáneos
Published 2015Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Sociedade, Família e Poder na Península Ibérica : Elementos para uma História Comparativa/Elementos para una Historia Comparada
Published 2010Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Fundamentos de Chimú como estado
Published 2023Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Nazca como estado Un análisis a los elementos del estado en la cultura Nazca
Published 2023Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Paracas Un estado antiguo
Published 2023Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Diversidad de formaciones políticas en Mesopotamia y el Cercano Oriente: organización interna y relaciones interregionales en la Edad del Bronce
Published 2013Subjects: “…Poder (Ciències socials)…”
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Electronic Book Chapter -
A memória da cidade: escrita e poder em Évora (1415-1536)
Published 2017Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Chapter Angiola D'Orso ante lo cómico calderoniano: Amore, honore e potere
Published 2020Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Chapter Angiola D'Orso ante lo cómico calderoniano: Amore, honore e potere
Published 2020Subjects: OAPEN Library: download the publication
OAPEN Library: description of the publication
Electronic Book Chapter -
Conflictos indígenas ante la justicia colonial los hilos entrelazados de una compleja trama social y legal, siglos XVI-XVIII
Published 2020Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Poder sobre as periferias : A Casa de Bragança e o Governo das terras no Alentejo (1640-1668)
Published 2011Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Poderes colectivos en la Siria del Bronce Final
Published 2014Subjects: “…Poder (Ciències socials)…”
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Ver, saber, poder Chamanismo de los yagua de la Amazonía peruana
Published 1998Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Delineamentos jurídico-normativos da educação inclusiva problematização a partir das noções foucaultianas de governamentalidade e biopolítica
Published 2023Subjects: “…Foucault, Michel, Educação, Filosofia, Educação inclusiva, Biopolítica, Poder judiciário e questões políticas.…”
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Michel foucault y la colonialidad del poder
Published 2018Subjects: “…Teoría heterárquica del poder…”
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Centros Periféricos de Poder na Europa do Sul (Sécs. XII - XVIII)
Published 2013Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Los virreinatos de Nueva España y del Perú (1680-1740) : Un balance historiográfico
Published 2019Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
Derecho administrativo colombiano: Apuntes y reflexiones contemporáneas para una pedagogía prospectiva del derecho
Published 2021Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter -
La muerte de los príncipes en la Edad Media Balance y perspectivas historiográficas
Published 2020Subjects: DOAB: download the publication
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Electronic Book Chapter